Yes you can, we just did!

Captain Sensible 2.jpg

I'd had my 15 minutes of fame.. it was some new buffoons turn to cavort about on TOTPs so I was just maintaining a low profile doing the occasional pub gig when approached by Daniel and Eugene about hosting a weekly radio show. So with a disparate bunch of anarchists and weirdos in tow, I went about the task in my usual chaotic fashion… meeting the gang in the pub an hour before show time and boshing together some haphazard plan or other.

The team comprised of agit prop artist Brian Paisley, the easily excitable performance poet Ferense something or other, and the two Captains.. Sensible and Stupidt.. but my colleague wasn't as daft as his name implies. We'd often win pub quizzes thanks to the astonishing amount of random knowledge he stored in that psychedelic brain of his. 

The shows were mayhem… political rants interspersed with poetry and 60s psych mainly… but what fun it all was. As was teaching the younger DJs how to edit quarter inch tape with a splicing block, which I'd picked up in various studios while recording with the Damned - who certainly liked to experiment!

I'll always look back on those Festival Radio days with great affection... even the 'discussions' with D & E along the lines: of "you can't say THAT on the radio"… "yes you can, we just did!".


I was working as a waitress…


Learning curve