Sticky carpet


Fags, booze & sticky carpets are what I remember of pre-90's Brighton. The smell of onions on Trafalgar Street & the Punch & Judy on the Seafront. The Radio played 80s pop hits & what was considered the best of the 60s. Unit 4 + 2 Concrete & Clay is always the first to mind as the soundtrack of my childhood. Then I turned 16 and the 90s happened.

Signalling the ushering in of this new era, I heard there was a NEW Radio Station. I could hardly believe it and so took myself down there to see if it was true. And there it was - Festival Radio. I was welcomed in by Daniel & Eugene as were all, which led to this exciting situation of making radio how you wanted it to be. From Dr Devlin Duff, Dick Witts, Lance and Orlando, Captain Sensible, On-U, Chris Philips and Carl Cox. It didn't matter so much who was on air, just that each presenter was bringing what they had. Radio needed that. It shaped what it was to be in Brighton - and all of us that played our part... xxx

